martes, 17 de noviembre de 2009

Essay: Self Evaluation of my academic year

Evaluate to yourself it’s a very good exercise, because you have a reflection moment about your person. That’s why I decided to evaluate my academic year, considering my involvement in the different subjects I had and my coordination of time with university and social life. To finish, I will mention my final evaluation in a general way, looking the next year like a challenge for me, considering my results in the tests.

About my involvement:
If you are interested in what you are learning, probably you are going to get good grades and a good experience in that subject. The motivation it’s something very important for that good experience I had mention recently.
That point defines my involvement in the different areas that I had this year: which I hate, I only studied for the test and worried about the note, but in the areas I felt happy and motivated, I worried about study and grades too, but especially about learning. With the subjects I consider important, interesting and which had a good teacher (a very important issue to consider) I liked to go to that classes and learnt new things, feeling involved with the items and themes which were touched. I think that experiences are determiner in my anthropologist future, for example in the election of what areas I’m interested to work then.

My time coordination
At the beginning of the first semester it was very difficult to organize myself, because I was very lost about how is to be in university. I have studied not important things and lost my time doing that, but then I understand what was important to do and started to organize my time having priorities. Then, in the second semester I was very fine with time. I knew what to do when I was hurry with time and avoid bad moments. But all looks like something very beautiful and easy. But it isn’t.
I decided to work on weekends in the second semester, something very important to value my time coordination. Many times I felt very distressed thinking that I didn’t realize myself doing good works, study the necessary and obviously, rest some time (I can’t study all the time!!). Many times I felt very tired and didn’t what to do to do my academic obligation in a good way. There was my difficulty, but I’m happy with this in relation with my friends, because I still looking them I didn’t leave behind of my life. The same situation with my family: I didn’t transform into a person “without life”

2010: a challenge
Taking all into account, about my involvement and my time coordination, the results I had were well and very related with my effort. I feel very happy with this academic year, and I hope that the next would be like this. I think I achieve equilibrium with different things that I care about: university, friend, family and me

martes, 10 de noviembre de 2009

Challenges to face

Hi everyone! Today I’m going to talk about the challenges that my discipline –anthropology- is currently facing now. In the first place, I want to clarify that I don’t have many knowledge about anthropology, so I’m going to do my best, and I hope that you enjoy my post!

However, I’m going to refeir about the challenges of anthropology from differents points of view, like technology, social matters and education.
If we are going to talk about anthropology, we have to consider the metodologhy of it, because it is very important to make a good investigation. In metodologhy, the general intruments to use are etnography and stadistics (if you made an inquiry or focus group, for example). With etnography I think the intruments are good, because you need a notebook (or netbook) to write, and of course, theoric issues -which I’m going to refer later. Concerning stadistics and the relationated items of it, I think the intruments that you need to investigate are good, but the problem is that many anthropologists doesn’t consider stadistic in their investigations and guides themselves by etnography, but, how can you be sure that you have reach the knowledge with etnography? In this respect I think Anthropology needs to be more serious in their investigations and also needs to stablish some rigorously in the scientific community, and I think that technology may to contribute to that challenge, improving the instrument that already has.
Evidently, the metodologhy it’s something central in anthropology, and in my view it’s a central matter of the discipline. According to that and summing up, it’s dificult to have good results in social matters, because I don’t know which is the reference to consider an investigation successful. But not everything it’s bad. Some investigation has good results and serve to social matters; resolve public problems giving the topics of their studies.
Finally, refering to education, I wan’t to aclarate that it’s very necesary to have more experiences out of class and being in profesional studies (helping in it), and not only reading about theory and important figures. There exists a lot of visions in anthropology and the hardest work it’s to define with which one you feel more involved, and the best way to resolve that problem, it’s “being” an anthropology and don’t “studing” the antropologist.

To sum up, anthropology has a lot of challenges, and I think that his short life in academic history explains the reason of the many vision that anthropology has. Having more rigours will be better to the develop of our discipline, so everyone has to contributed to it.