martes, 11 de agosto de 2009

Good and bad points

Today I’m going to talk about the good and bad points about the first term of this year, 2009.
First of all, it is very important to consider that the last semester was my first one in university, so during it, I have discovered and learnt a lot of different and interesting things, but at the same time, I have lived a lot of other things that disgust me very much.
According with the last idea I have mentioned, the good things of the first term of 2009 are in relation with my family, my career, my extra activities and with my social life.
About my career, I’m very happy with it, because I have learnt a lot of different themes that I have never heard about. I mean that all my life I’ve learnt ordinary things at school, like math, history or literature, but about anthropology and their topics, never! So that has involved me in a very entertaining atmosphere and also motivated me to study very much.
But nothing is perfect. Obviously I had boring classes, like Biology or Methodology of Social Science, because they touched contents that doesn’t motivated to me, especially Biology. I hate it! But making a general evaluation according with university, it was a very nice semester.

Regarding with my free time, I was very busy because I used it having two extra-activities: sell brownies and participated in the organization of a social project called “Semanas Culturales”. Both spend a lot of time, because with the first one I have to cook almost every day and stay in touch with my clients who put a lot of pressure on me all the weeks, and many times, in a very weird hours of the day, (once, someone called to my cell phone at 8 am!). But all this effort worth, because during the year, I could save all the money that I need to satisfy my necessities. About the second one, “Semanas Culturales”, the time that I have spended also worth because I knew a lot of people, but the most important thing is that everything works perfectly and the beneficiated people was very happy and touched with our work.

To finish with this, now I’m going to talk about my family and my friends, because my relationship with them was better that I spected. I was very scared because I had much activities and maybe it could be difficult to spend time with them… but it doesn’t! I think that my bond with my sisters and parents past to an other level, because I feel that now exist more confidence and we talk more than the last year. Sincerely, I don’t have bad things to talk about this theme, and either about my friends, because they were a support to me… they were almost all the time talking to me and we stay in touch almost every day, and that was great, because I was very scared too to lost my relation with them.

Well, that was a kind of “resume” of the first term of 2009. I hope you like it!

2 comentarios:

  1. oday I’m going to talk about the good and bad points about the first term of this year, 2009.
    First of all, it is very important to consider that the last semester was my first one in university, so during it, I have discovered and learnt a lot of different and interesting things, but at the same time, I have lived a lot of other things that disgust me very much.
    According with the last idea I have mentioned, the good things of the first term of 2009 are in relation with my family, my career, my extra activities and with my social life.
    About my career, I’m very happy with it, because I have learnt a lot of different themes that I have never heard about. I mean that all my life I’ve learnt ordinary things at school, like math, history or literature, but about anthropology and their topics, never! So that has involved me in a very entertaining atmosphere and also motivated me to study very much.
    But nothing is perfect. Obviously I had boring classes, like Biology or Methodology of Social Science, because they touched contents that doesn’t motivated to me, especially Biology. I hate it! But making a general evaluation according with university, it was a very nice semester.

    Regarding with my free time, I was very busy because I used it WW making two extra-activities: sell brownies and participated in the organization of a social project called “Semanas Culturales”. Both spend a lot of time, because with the first one I have to cook almost every day and stay in touch with my clients who put a lot of pressure on me all the weeks, and many times, in a very weird hours of the day, (once, someone called to my cell phone at 8 am!). But all this effort worth, because during the year, I could save all the money that I need to satisfy my necessities. About the second one, “Semanas Culturales”, the time that I have spended also worth because I knew a lot of people, but the most important thing is that everything works perfectly and the beneficiated people was very happy and touched with our work.

    To finish with this, now I’m going to talk about my family and my friends, because my relationship with them was better that I spected. I was very scared because I had much activities and maybe it could be difficult to spend time with them… but it doesn’t! I think that my bond with my sisters and parents past to an other level, because I feel that now exist more confidence and we talk more than the last year. Sincerely, I don’t have bad things to talk about this theme, and either about my friends, because they were a support to me… they were almost all the time talking to me and we stay in touch almost every day, and that was great, because I was very scared too to lost my relation with them.

    Well, that was a kind of “resume” of the first term of 2009. I hope you like it!

    Fran: good! I'm glad to hear so many things from your semester. o course there are bad but the good count

    p.s. you got a 6.7

  2. Miss, I already publish the corrected post
