martes, 27 de octubre de 2009

Being wealthy

Being wealthy is something that very much people dream, but knowing that it’s very difficult to being one. However, this dream isn’t seen very well by the other people, because the posture of wealthy people is uncomfortable in front the others and also is considered badly in social terms, such like resentment. So now, I’m going to talk about that pros and cons of being wealthy.
It’s out of discussion that the most important advantage of being wealthy is the economic security. You can live relax knowing that you have your future –and also your family future- insured. Besides, you can live “the good life” being wealthy, for example having travels, spending in expensive marks, having fun with particularly entertainments and other activities which common people see like something very far from. Taking everything into account, being wealthy gives you a condition which contemplates to live well, without problems and with all the comfort that you can imagine.
In spite for, one disadvantage of being wealthy, could maybe be that you don’t have a lot of real friends, because there’s exist a lot of bad people who only care about money, so being friend of a wealthy people put the person near of the money and all their advantages. But the problem is when you are the wealthy person and realizes about this situation, you feel disappointed and used. To sum up, the most of the people see the wealthy people like an opportunity of their lives, but although, they don’t care about the wealthy person feelings.
Finally, being wealthy is something very difficult, because you are good in material ways, but you are not in social life. Furthermore, you have to be a security person in all the angles and also be very pleasant, because with that people will borrow their prejudice.

viernes, 23 de octubre de 2009

The most embarrassing moment that I have ever had

Hello everybody! Today I’m going to talk about the most embarrassing moment that I have ever had.
It was in school in 8th grade, on “School Week”. There was a competition called “Make the judge laugh”, where all the classes have to compete making laugh to all the people who make part of the judge. There was like about 6 people in it.
So, I decided to participate with other friends. We prepared a very bad show, very bored and ridiculous. We were dressing in a particularly way, with a lot of colors but bad combined, and really making the ridiculous. But that’s not all.
Considering that our show was very bad, and the competition too –nobody was capable to make a good show and making laugh the judge and all the audience- we decides to play our last card… the most risky one. And that was one of my talents: to burp!
I really don’t understand why I did it, I think it was because the adrenalin of the moment, and of course, because we wanted to win! So at the ending of our very bored show, I drunk coke, took the microphone and burp.
It was amazing and very incredible!! The whole audience was laughing without stopping. There were a lot of applauses, people standing and all that stuff. But the most important thing was when we saw the judge: they were laughing too!!.. and a lot. Besides, one of them was crying!!
Seeing that, we were very assured that we won the competition, but the next day, when the organizer publish the point, there was a “—“ in our class. We were disqualify!
But we don’t care, because we know that we won “Make the judge laugh”… and in fact, many people remember that scene when I burped, and also many teacher ask me a lot of questions after the competition. They were very impressed.

Well, that was an embarrassing moment to me. I hope you have enjoy it!
See you!

martes, 13 de octubre de 2009

Harvey Milk

In this post I’m going to refer about a news published on, which is related with discrimination, a situation which is very present in people, and which has a long fight in the societies, considering that are different types of discrimination. In this case, is discrimination to gays, but in a good way. Let’s see it:
Arnold Scwarzenegger, the governor of California, decide to commemorate Harvey Milk with a day dedicated to him, only in California. That day would be 22th May, the same day of Harvey’s birthday.
The importance of this is that “Harvey Milk symbolises the importance of the gay community in California," said McClear. "And the governor wanted to honour that community. A well-known film brought awareness of him."
This commemoration is related with other government measures about gays, making more legislation in favor of gay rights, something that you can’t found in US history.
Obviously, this has been very controversial, considering conservative groups, which are disagreeing with these measures.
You can find the entire notice in:

Faculty situation

Hello! Today we have to talk about the current situation of our faculty, so I’m going to refer it from different points that put the teacher, considering that they are important.
Lamentably, I’m not a person who is very involved in the current situation of my faculty, because, many times, when I decided to go to an assembly for example, I felt very angry and disappointed because always there are politician people talking about their ideology and it seems like they don’t care about the real situation… and when you are a person who doesn’t care about the ideology or a propose to be in charge of the CECSo (in this case), it’s boring and very sad. But something that I know is that “Fondos Solidarios” are in dispute and this is something present in the whole university, not only in our faculty. The problem is that these wires are in danger, and MINEDUC have erased the possibility to planning to this way to pay university.
Well, other things which are less important are the situation of the bathroom, which are not well equip, especially with toilet paper; in fact, if you find one, you are very lucky! And also the students don’t care if the bathrooms are dirty or in a disgusting situation… and the employee has to clean up and suffer for our careless. It’s necessary that the students has to be involucrate with this theme and being conscious about their behavior, and also fight to have toilet paper and better bathrooms.
The other problem is the library: it’s poor, without a study ambient… it’s disgusting to go there. In fact, if I want to study in university, I go to Philosophy faculty, because that library it’s good in all senses. The system it’s very bureaucratic here and it’s almost like a torture to ask for a book, considering that are like 10 book here!
The best way to resolve both situations are to take advantage of the faculty moments, where “important people” ask us for our opinion. In that cases we have to be very clear and specify to define what we want and what are the most important things to resolve.
The benefits of these are that we will have a good infrastructure, in the bathrooms and in the library. Having good infrastructures help us to take more care of our things and really take advantage from them.

martes, 6 de octubre de 2009

My favorite movie (Part 2)

Today we have to talk about our favorite movie.
Because I already had talk about it, I’m going to talk about another one. That one is “Before Sunrise”, which has a second part called “Before Sunset”. Both are directed by Richard Linklater, and were produced in 1995 and 2004 respectively. I like them very much because both are very simple and show to the members of the audience a simple story, where are only two people involucrate –Jesse and Celine-, walking and talking about a lot of different themes. Two strangers who first met were in a train in Europe.

About “Before Sunrise”:
They decide to pass a day together in Vienna, walking by the city and knowing touristic places and not touristic places. They talk about miscellaneous topics, about philosophy, they lives and their perspectives about everything. It’s very nice to watch it, because sometimes –it happened to me- I give my opinion about the topics they are talking… it’s like I’m feeling in their conversation, buy like an audience. If the directors wanted that objective, he really achieves it!
The grace of the film’s name is that the characters only have to the sunrise to being together, because Jesse has to get on a plane to U.S.A and Celine have to go to her university in Paris. Obviously, because they were talking all the day, they fall in love –like a love for first sight- and at the end of the movie they were very sad. They decided to not being in touch and agree together to meet in six months at the same place, giving to the spectator the nervous feeling if they had that meeting or not.

The actors are:
Ethan Hawke as Jesse
Julie Delfy as Celine
And others who hasn’t have a important participation, but appears in the film: Andrea Eckert (as wife on the train), Hanno Poschl (as husband on the train), Erni Mangold (as palm reader), Dominic Castell (as street poet) and Adam Goldberg (as man sleeping on the train)

I recommended very much this movie because is a possibility to question ourselves for different topics that sometimes we don’t have time to do… topics that we thing that not have significance, but they have, and very much, because they reveal how is the people in their essential part.