viernes, 23 de octubre de 2009

The most embarrassing moment that I have ever had

Hello everybody! Today I’m going to talk about the most embarrassing moment that I have ever had.
It was in school in 8th grade, on “School Week”. There was a competition called “Make the judge laugh”, where all the classes have to compete making laugh to all the people who make part of the judge. There was like about 6 people in it.
So, I decided to participate with other friends. We prepared a very bad show, very bored and ridiculous. We were dressing in a particularly way, with a lot of colors but bad combined, and really making the ridiculous. But that’s not all.
Considering that our show was very bad, and the competition too –nobody was capable to make a good show and making laugh the judge and all the audience- we decides to play our last card… the most risky one. And that was one of my talents: to burp!
I really don’t understand why I did it, I think it was because the adrenalin of the moment, and of course, because we wanted to win! So at the ending of our very bored show, I drunk coke, took the microphone and burp.
It was amazing and very incredible!! The whole audience was laughing without stopping. There were a lot of applauses, people standing and all that stuff. But the most important thing was when we saw the judge: they were laughing too!!.. and a lot. Besides, one of them was crying!!
Seeing that, we were very assured that we won the competition, but the next day, when the organizer publish the point, there was a “—“ in our class. We were disqualify!
But we don’t care, because we know that we won “Make the judge laugh”… and in fact, many people remember that scene when I burped, and also many teacher ask me a lot of questions after the competition. They were very impressed.

Well, that was an embarrassing moment to me. I hope you have enjoy it!
See you!

2 comentarios:


    Funny, it makes me laugh too! Really nice end of you show! Wasn’t fear the disqualification!!

    I thought you were more like a lady! Just kidding!

    Will you do that again?

  2. Hello everybody! Today I’m going to talk about the most embarrassing moment that I have ever had.
    It was in school in 8th grade, on “School Week”. There was a competition called “Make the judge laugh”, where all the classes have to compete making laugh to all the people who make part of the judge. There was like about 6 people in it.
    So, I decided to participate with other friends. We prepared a very bad show, very bored and ridiculous. We were dressing in a particularly way, with a lot of colors but bad WW combined, and really making the ridiculous. But that’s not all.
    Considering that our show was very bad, and the competition too –nobody was capable to make a good show and making laugh the judge and all the audience- we TENSE decides to play our last card… the most risky one. And that was one of my talents: to burp!
    I really don’t understand why I did it, I think it was because the adrenalin of the moment, and of course, because we wanted to win! So at the ending of our very WF bored show, I drunk coke, took the microphone and TENSE burp.
    It was amazing and very incredible!! The whole audience was laughing without stopping. There were a lot of applauses, people standing and all that stuff. But the most important thing was when we saw the judge: they were laughing too!!.. and a lot. Besides, one of them was crying!!
    Seeing that, we were very assured that we won the competition, but the next day, when the organizer TENSE publish the point, there was a “—“ in our class. We were WF disqualify!
    But we don’t care, because we know that we won “Make the judge laugh”… and in fact, many people remember that scene when I burped, and also many teacher TENSE ask me a lot of questions after the competition. They were very impressed.

    haha that´s funny and impressive as well.
    well done!
    you got a 7
    Well, that was an embarrassing moment to me. I hope you have enjoy it!
    See you!
