martes, 13 de octubre de 2009

Faculty situation

Hello! Today we have to talk about the current situation of our faculty, so I’m going to refer it from different points that put the teacher, considering that they are important.
Lamentably, I’m not a person who is very involved in the current situation of my faculty, because, many times, when I decided to go to an assembly for example, I felt very angry and disappointed because always there are politician people talking about their ideology and it seems like they don’t care about the real situation… and when you are a person who doesn’t care about the ideology or a propose to be in charge of the CECSo (in this case), it’s boring and very sad. But something that I know is that “Fondos Solidarios” are in dispute and this is something present in the whole university, not only in our faculty. The problem is that these wires are in danger, and MINEDUC have erased the possibility to planning to this way to pay university.
Well, other things which are less important are the situation of the bathroom, which are not well equip, especially with toilet paper; in fact, if you find one, you are very lucky! And also the students don’t care if the bathrooms are dirty or in a disgusting situation… and the employee has to clean up and suffer for our careless. It’s necessary that the students has to be involucrate with this theme and being conscious about their behavior, and also fight to have toilet paper and better bathrooms.
The other problem is the library: it’s poor, without a study ambient… it’s disgusting to go there. In fact, if I want to study in university, I go to Philosophy faculty, because that library it’s good in all senses. The system it’s very bureaucratic here and it’s almost like a torture to ask for a book, considering that are like 10 book here!
The best way to resolve both situations are to take advantage of the faculty moments, where “important people” ask us for our opinion. In that cases we have to be very clear and specify to define what we want and what are the most important things to resolve.
The benefits of these are that we will have a good infrastructure, in the bathrooms and in the library. Having good infrastructures help us to take more care of our things and really take advantage from them.

1 comentario:

  1. Hello! Today we have to talk about the current situation of our faculty, so I’m going to refer it from different points that put the teacher, considering that they are important.
    WW Lamentably, I’m not a person who is very involved in the current situation of my faculty, because, many times, when I decided to go to an assembly for example, I felt very angry and disappointed because always there are politician people talking about their ideology and it seems like they don’t care about the real situation… and when you are a person who doesn’t care about the ideology or a propose to be in charge of the CECSo (in this case), it’s boring and very sad. But something that I know is that “Fondos Solidarios” are in dispute and this is something present in the whole university, not only in our faculty. The problem is that these ?wires are in danger, and MINEDUC have erased the possibility to planning to this way to pay university.
    Well, other things which are less important are the situation of the bathroom, which are not well WF equip, especially with toilet paper; in fact, if you find one, you are very lucky! And also the students don’t care if the bathrooms are dirty or in a disgusting situation… and the employee has to clean up and suffer for our careless. It’s necessary that the students has to be involucrate with this theme and being conscious about their behavior, and also fight to have toilet paper and better bathrooms.
    The other problem is the library: it’s poor, without a study WW ambient… it’s disgusting to go there. In fact, if I want to study in university, I go to Philosophy faculty, because that library it’s good in all senses. The system it’s very bureaucratic here and it’s almost like a torture to ask for a book, considering that are like 10 book here!
    The best way to resolve both situations are to take advantage of the faculty moments, where “important people” ask us for our opinion. In that cases we have to be very clear and specify to define what we want and what are the most important things to resolve.
    The benefits of these are that we will have a good infrastructure, in the bathrooms and in the library. Having good infrastructures help us to take more care of our things and really take advantage from them.

    well I study in philosophy and I know what you mean. I remember you could go to the toilets until Wednesdays since that was the last day you could find toilet paper...hilarious!
    p.s. you got a 6.5
