martes, 26 de mayo de 2009

Blog Session 9: My favourite subject

I think that my favourite subject is Anthropology 1, by Daniel Quiroz.

I like it because we learnt about anthropological theory and the differents postures for it. There exists many reflections about the discipline and I like that because you can reflectionate about it too and make your own theories and ideas.

Also, the classes are very entertaining, mostly because the teacher is very apationated to teach us and resolved all our doubts, and also give us time to comment the class with our partners.

This semester we have learnt about techniques to investigate, how work the ahthropologists and finally, we have learnt theories, especially from Bronislaw Malinowsky and Clifford Geertz.

Something that it's very important too, is that with my classmates started to understand how to read an anthropological texts, because we were very accustomed in school to read only literature, and at the beggining of the year, we were very troubled with that. But now I can say that we don't have that problem!

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009

Assignment 7: My life in the future

Today I'm going to talk about my life in the next 5 years.

I think I will be finishing my career, acording to the plans, because maybe I will be backward. Maybe, I’ll be thinking about taking an international master… It could depends of the money I think, and also if there’s a scholarship.

Regarding with myself, independent of my professional life, I hope I travel a lot around the world and visit a lot of different places in different continents and countries… and I hope too, that these will be with my friends, because we had spend a lot of time together and we have live very important moments... so I want to continue with that.

I wont be married and I hope I don't have children... I'm not interested right now to have children in the next 5 years.

Also, I wish that I will have my own house -maybe with a friend or my couple- in a nice place, with all my stuff that are difficult to have now.

I’d like to be a great and interesting person, who has a entertaining life.

lunes, 4 de mayo de 2009

Assignment 6: "The best in your area"

Now I'm going to talk about the best in my field, based on my opinion.
I think is Pierre Clastres, a french anthropologist and ethnologist.

He has made a lot of ethnographic studies etnies in Southamerica, where we can distinguish the guayaquíes, the guaraníes and the yanomami.
He focuses on studying about the structure and politics of war activity and the expand logic relationated with social division and accumulation of power.

His mosrt popular publications are "Chronicle of the Guayaki Indians", "Society Against the State", "French Marxists and their Anthropology", "Archeology of Violence", and more.

I like him because he was interested on southamerican etnies, and I think that it's striking because he was french, and if he would like, he could study about freanch etnies, but he didn't.
I like him too, because their ethnographic essay are fun and you can get involved with them.

I think he is the best because he made their studies in a meticulous way, and that make serious the study.