martes, 17 de noviembre de 2009

Essay: Self Evaluation of my academic year

Evaluate to yourself it’s a very good exercise, because you have a reflection moment about your person. That’s why I decided to evaluate my academic year, considering my involvement in the different subjects I had and my coordination of time with university and social life. To finish, I will mention my final evaluation in a general way, looking the next year like a challenge for me, considering my results in the tests.

About my involvement:
If you are interested in what you are learning, probably you are going to get good grades and a good experience in that subject. The motivation it’s something very important for that good experience I had mention recently.
That point defines my involvement in the different areas that I had this year: which I hate, I only studied for the test and worried about the note, but in the areas I felt happy and motivated, I worried about study and grades too, but especially about learning. With the subjects I consider important, interesting and which had a good teacher (a very important issue to consider) I liked to go to that classes and learnt new things, feeling involved with the items and themes which were touched. I think that experiences are determiner in my anthropologist future, for example in the election of what areas I’m interested to work then.

My time coordination
At the beginning of the first semester it was very difficult to organize myself, because I was very lost about how is to be in university. I have studied not important things and lost my time doing that, but then I understand what was important to do and started to organize my time having priorities. Then, in the second semester I was very fine with time. I knew what to do when I was hurry with time and avoid bad moments. But all looks like something very beautiful and easy. But it isn’t.
I decided to work on weekends in the second semester, something very important to value my time coordination. Many times I felt very distressed thinking that I didn’t realize myself doing good works, study the necessary and obviously, rest some time (I can’t study all the time!!). Many times I felt very tired and didn’t what to do to do my academic obligation in a good way. There was my difficulty, but I’m happy with this in relation with my friends, because I still looking them I didn’t leave behind of my life. The same situation with my family: I didn’t transform into a person “without life”

2010: a challenge
Taking all into account, about my involvement and my time coordination, the results I had were well and very related with my effort. I feel very happy with this academic year, and I hope that the next would be like this. I think I achieve equilibrium with different things that I care about: university, friend, family and me

martes, 10 de noviembre de 2009

Challenges to face

Hi everyone! Today I’m going to talk about the challenges that my discipline –anthropology- is currently facing now. In the first place, I want to clarify that I don’t have many knowledge about anthropology, so I’m going to do my best, and I hope that you enjoy my post!

However, I’m going to refeir about the challenges of anthropology from differents points of view, like technology, social matters and education.
If we are going to talk about anthropology, we have to consider the metodologhy of it, because it is very important to make a good investigation. In metodologhy, the general intruments to use are etnography and stadistics (if you made an inquiry or focus group, for example). With etnography I think the intruments are good, because you need a notebook (or netbook) to write, and of course, theoric issues -which I’m going to refer later. Concerning stadistics and the relationated items of it, I think the intruments that you need to investigate are good, but the problem is that many anthropologists doesn’t consider stadistic in their investigations and guides themselves by etnography, but, how can you be sure that you have reach the knowledge with etnography? In this respect I think Anthropology needs to be more serious in their investigations and also needs to stablish some rigorously in the scientific community, and I think that technology may to contribute to that challenge, improving the instrument that already has.
Evidently, the metodologhy it’s something central in anthropology, and in my view it’s a central matter of the discipline. According to that and summing up, it’s dificult to have good results in social matters, because I don’t know which is the reference to consider an investigation successful. But not everything it’s bad. Some investigation has good results and serve to social matters; resolve public problems giving the topics of their studies.
Finally, refering to education, I wan’t to aclarate that it’s very necesary to have more experiences out of class and being in profesional studies (helping in it), and not only reading about theory and important figures. There exists a lot of visions in anthropology and the hardest work it’s to define with which one you feel more involved, and the best way to resolve that problem, it’s “being” an anthropology and don’t “studing” the antropologist.

To sum up, anthropology has a lot of challenges, and I think that his short life in academic history explains the reason of the many vision that anthropology has. Having more rigours will be better to the develop of our discipline, so everyone has to contributed to it.

martes, 27 de octubre de 2009

Being wealthy

Being wealthy is something that very much people dream, but knowing that it’s very difficult to being one. However, this dream isn’t seen very well by the other people, because the posture of wealthy people is uncomfortable in front the others and also is considered badly in social terms, such like resentment. So now, I’m going to talk about that pros and cons of being wealthy.
It’s out of discussion that the most important advantage of being wealthy is the economic security. You can live relax knowing that you have your future –and also your family future- insured. Besides, you can live “the good life” being wealthy, for example having travels, spending in expensive marks, having fun with particularly entertainments and other activities which common people see like something very far from. Taking everything into account, being wealthy gives you a condition which contemplates to live well, without problems and with all the comfort that you can imagine.
In spite for, one disadvantage of being wealthy, could maybe be that you don’t have a lot of real friends, because there’s exist a lot of bad people who only care about money, so being friend of a wealthy people put the person near of the money and all their advantages. But the problem is when you are the wealthy person and realizes about this situation, you feel disappointed and used. To sum up, the most of the people see the wealthy people like an opportunity of their lives, but although, they don’t care about the wealthy person feelings.
Finally, being wealthy is something very difficult, because you are good in material ways, but you are not in social life. Furthermore, you have to be a security person in all the angles and also be very pleasant, because with that people will borrow their prejudice.

viernes, 23 de octubre de 2009

The most embarrassing moment that I have ever had

Hello everybody! Today I’m going to talk about the most embarrassing moment that I have ever had.
It was in school in 8th grade, on “School Week”. There was a competition called “Make the judge laugh”, where all the classes have to compete making laugh to all the people who make part of the judge. There was like about 6 people in it.
So, I decided to participate with other friends. We prepared a very bad show, very bored and ridiculous. We were dressing in a particularly way, with a lot of colors but bad combined, and really making the ridiculous. But that’s not all.
Considering that our show was very bad, and the competition too –nobody was capable to make a good show and making laugh the judge and all the audience- we decides to play our last card… the most risky one. And that was one of my talents: to burp!
I really don’t understand why I did it, I think it was because the adrenalin of the moment, and of course, because we wanted to win! So at the ending of our very bored show, I drunk coke, took the microphone and burp.
It was amazing and very incredible!! The whole audience was laughing without stopping. There were a lot of applauses, people standing and all that stuff. But the most important thing was when we saw the judge: they were laughing too!!.. and a lot. Besides, one of them was crying!!
Seeing that, we were very assured that we won the competition, but the next day, when the organizer publish the point, there was a “—“ in our class. We were disqualify!
But we don’t care, because we know that we won “Make the judge laugh”… and in fact, many people remember that scene when I burped, and also many teacher ask me a lot of questions after the competition. They were very impressed.

Well, that was an embarrassing moment to me. I hope you have enjoy it!
See you!

martes, 13 de octubre de 2009

Harvey Milk

In this post I’m going to refer about a news published on, which is related with discrimination, a situation which is very present in people, and which has a long fight in the societies, considering that are different types of discrimination. In this case, is discrimination to gays, but in a good way. Let’s see it:
Arnold Scwarzenegger, the governor of California, decide to commemorate Harvey Milk with a day dedicated to him, only in California. That day would be 22th May, the same day of Harvey’s birthday.
The importance of this is that “Harvey Milk symbolises the importance of the gay community in California," said McClear. "And the governor wanted to honour that community. A well-known film brought awareness of him."
This commemoration is related with other government measures about gays, making more legislation in favor of gay rights, something that you can’t found in US history.
Obviously, this has been very controversial, considering conservative groups, which are disagreeing with these measures.
You can find the entire notice in:

Faculty situation

Hello! Today we have to talk about the current situation of our faculty, so I’m going to refer it from different points that put the teacher, considering that they are important.
Lamentably, I’m not a person who is very involved in the current situation of my faculty, because, many times, when I decided to go to an assembly for example, I felt very angry and disappointed because always there are politician people talking about their ideology and it seems like they don’t care about the real situation… and when you are a person who doesn’t care about the ideology or a propose to be in charge of the CECSo (in this case), it’s boring and very sad. But something that I know is that “Fondos Solidarios” are in dispute and this is something present in the whole university, not only in our faculty. The problem is that these wires are in danger, and MINEDUC have erased the possibility to planning to this way to pay university.
Well, other things which are less important are the situation of the bathroom, which are not well equip, especially with toilet paper; in fact, if you find one, you are very lucky! And also the students don’t care if the bathrooms are dirty or in a disgusting situation… and the employee has to clean up and suffer for our careless. It’s necessary that the students has to be involucrate with this theme and being conscious about their behavior, and also fight to have toilet paper and better bathrooms.
The other problem is the library: it’s poor, without a study ambient… it’s disgusting to go there. In fact, if I want to study in university, I go to Philosophy faculty, because that library it’s good in all senses. The system it’s very bureaucratic here and it’s almost like a torture to ask for a book, considering that are like 10 book here!
The best way to resolve both situations are to take advantage of the faculty moments, where “important people” ask us for our opinion. In that cases we have to be very clear and specify to define what we want and what are the most important things to resolve.
The benefits of these are that we will have a good infrastructure, in the bathrooms and in the library. Having good infrastructures help us to take more care of our things and really take advantage from them.

martes, 6 de octubre de 2009

My favorite movie (Part 2)

Today we have to talk about our favorite movie.
Because I already had talk about it, I’m going to talk about another one. That one is “Before Sunrise”, which has a second part called “Before Sunset”. Both are directed by Richard Linklater, and were produced in 1995 and 2004 respectively. I like them very much because both are very simple and show to the members of the audience a simple story, where are only two people involucrate –Jesse and Celine-, walking and talking about a lot of different themes. Two strangers who first met were in a train in Europe.

About “Before Sunrise”:
They decide to pass a day together in Vienna, walking by the city and knowing touristic places and not touristic places. They talk about miscellaneous topics, about philosophy, they lives and their perspectives about everything. It’s very nice to watch it, because sometimes –it happened to me- I give my opinion about the topics they are talking… it’s like I’m feeling in their conversation, buy like an audience. If the directors wanted that objective, he really achieves it!
The grace of the film’s name is that the characters only have to the sunrise to being together, because Jesse has to get on a plane to U.S.A and Celine have to go to her university in Paris. Obviously, because they were talking all the day, they fall in love –like a love for first sight- and at the end of the movie they were very sad. They decided to not being in touch and agree together to meet in six months at the same place, giving to the spectator the nervous feeling if they had that meeting or not.

The actors are:
Ethan Hawke as Jesse
Julie Delfy as Celine
And others who hasn’t have a important participation, but appears in the film: Andrea Eckert (as wife on the train), Hanno Poschl (as husband on the train), Erni Mangold (as palm reader), Dominic Castell (as street poet) and Adam Goldberg (as man sleeping on the train)

I recommended very much this movie because is a possibility to question ourselves for different topics that sometimes we don’t have time to do… topics that we thing that not have significance, but they have, and very much, because they reveal how is the people in their essential part.

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2009

What to do / Where to go in Santiago

Santiago is Chile’s capital city, which is characterized to be very polluted and has a lot of people living in. Because of that, many people from Santiago who hate living here. But there’s a lot of different places and activities to do in our free time, activities which are –the most- directed to foreigner tourists.
That’s why that now I’m going to mention some places or activities which are consider typical of Santiago, or some others can gave them –the tourist- pleasant moments. The important thing is that you have to consider that these are places and activities that you must do it. I think that you can’t leave Santiago without have been in “La Vega” and “Mercado Central”, places that are identify seeing people shouting in particular ways, inviting you to buy something to them. But the best of these places are their pintoresc decoration. The things that you can do in Mercado Central, is eat sea food in a restaurant, with a good white wine, for example. In La Vega you can buy fruits, vegetables and dried fruits, meat, cheese and many other things very cheaper.
Other place that you have to go is “San Cristobal Hill”, a place which has a lot of activities to do, like climbed it by bike, go to the zoo and the cable railway and finally eat a very nice dry peaches with weat. This is a place that you must go, because I assure you it would be a good moment, considering that here’s a lot of activities to do.
Some very exciting activity could be to go to “Forestal Park”, a place which offers you some different activities which are more relaxing, like stay and rest on the grass and see street art. Then, you can go to museums: “Bellas Artes” and “Artes Visuales” (MAC), which has very good exhibitions about different styles and artists. I recommended going on Sundays, because the ticket is free… but if you go on the week, is very cheap, so there’s not a big problem. But don’t go on Monday! Because all the museums are closed. If you decided to go on Sundays, it’s a good election because there is a market in the Park, with a lot of people and a nice atmosphere.
Near “Forestal Park” is “Barrio Lastarria”, which is described like a place with an alternative style. You can go there to very delicious restaurants and to other art galleries, which are low perfil, but very great. The atmosphere of the place it’s also very nice, because there’s not a lot of people leaving there, the streets are relaxing and you have a good view because there are a lot of constructions, considered architectural heritage.
So, considering all that I had said, you can’t bored in Santiago. It’s a great place!

martes, 25 de agosto de 2009


Transantiago is a public transport system which is WF apply on Santiago city by the Government, who thought thought that the last public transport system was very bad, because the infrastructure of the buses was very damaged, there were a lot of traffic jams all the time and because –the most general explanation- the system was very disastrous.
Regarding the previous statement, is that the government decided to change the system and apply a new one which his goal was to overcome the problems I mentioned previously –and other secondary problems too. So, the system contemplate 3 things:
1. Organize Santiago in 10 areas which belong to different towns. Every area has a color and a letter to identify it.
2. Different types of buses:
- Troncal services: these connect the areas delimitated by Transantiago, crossing important sites of Santiago. These are white with a green line.
- Local services: these work into the different areas, and drive the users to specific places of the area. These are of the colour of their area and have a white line.
3. Participation with WW “Metro de Santiago”: Metro operates like troncal services.

According with the last, I think that some objectives are exceeded, but other problems appear now, like the people are always squashed and also that the buses don’t past all the time; you have to wait a lot to take a bus. But I think that the biggest problem is that the authorities SVA don’t accomplished their promises, so the users are very angry with that and feel that their requires are not listened.
Something that I think is a good idea is “Bip! card”, because when you get on the bus, it’s more quickly. The problem is that is very expensive and the people which are not from Santiago, or even Chile, don’t have one, so they have to buy it once and then they don’t use it again.
My experience with Transantiago it’s quite well now, but when it appears I was very angry because I didn’t have a “Student card” –which is cheaper- and I wasn’t determine to pay near $400 to go to my home. So the first year I decided to used my bike and/or walk to everywhere. Now that I have it, I use more “Transantiago” and it’s nos disagree to me, because the place where I live, there are the biggest problems of the system, there are only details… but it’s incredible when I go to Plaza Italia, for example, in the week at night and see the biiiig lines waiting the buses.
To fix Transantiago, I think that the ticket has to be cheaper… I think, if you travel by bus in Santiago 2 times, the cost is near $1000, so you spend like $30000 in a month… it’s too much!
Another thing is that it has to be more buses, and finally, the people which are not from Santiago, need more access to this public transport… or maybe, a good –but crazy- idea is that make that the public transport could operate in whole Chile.

martes, 18 de agosto de 2009

"Almost Famous"

Today, the teacher asks us to talk about any theme, and that it’s so very difficult because there are a lot of topics that we can talk about, so thinking a lot, I decided to talk about my favorite movie, and it is “Almost Famous” (there are more, like “Great Expectation”, “Before Sunset”/”Before Sunrise”, “Virgin Suicides”, “Being John Malkovich” and “High Fidelity”, but talk about everyone it’s so difficult, and it would be ending like a biiiig text)
“Almost Famous” is a movie directed by Cameron Crowe, and it’s based on one of his life experience.
The story is about a boy who loves rock music and likes to write. Because of that “Rolling Stone” magazine calls him to make an article about a rock band call “Stillwater”, which is on his peak. He accepts the challenge, besides his mother’s opinion and his age –he is only a boy, so he lies to “Rolling Stone” magazine to make the article.
William (that’s boy’s name) goes with Stillwater ’73 tour and travel with them around U.S.A. The band received him very well and were very excited with his presence, because they are the typical band which is successful, but started to going down because the money and the excessive fame… they were “living the dream”.
I love this movie because the soundtrack, the characters and the story, because it’s very simple but achieves to touch you in a special way. The first time I saw it, I dreamed to have an experience that William has, but obviously I understand now that it’s impossible.
I think the movie it’s very important in my life because I felt identified with William, because he loves the same bands as me, like Led Zeppelin, The Who, Rolling Stones and all that appear in the movie, and also because I had my sister influence in that taste of music, like him too. Finally, the movie was like a door to know more bands of that type and almost fall in love with them.
Really, It’s a very good movie I recommended to everyone when they ask me “could you recommend me a movie, please?... so don’t lose it if you don’t have seen it!!

Here is the trailer, if you want to see it

martes, 11 de agosto de 2009

Good and bad points

Today I’m going to talk about the good and bad points about the first term of this year, 2009.
First of all, it is very important to consider that the last semester was my first one in university, so during it, I have discovered and learnt a lot of different and interesting things, but at the same time, I have lived a lot of other things that disgust me very much.
According with the last idea I have mentioned, the good things of the first term of 2009 are in relation with my family, my career, my extra activities and with my social life.
About my career, I’m very happy with it, because I have learnt a lot of different themes that I have never heard about. I mean that all my life I’ve learnt ordinary things at school, like math, history or literature, but about anthropology and their topics, never! So that has involved me in a very entertaining atmosphere and also motivated me to study very much.
But nothing is perfect. Obviously I had boring classes, like Biology or Methodology of Social Science, because they touched contents that doesn’t motivated to me, especially Biology. I hate it! But making a general evaluation according with university, it was a very nice semester.

Regarding with my free time, I was very busy because I used it having two extra-activities: sell brownies and participated in the organization of a social project called “Semanas Culturales”. Both spend a lot of time, because with the first one I have to cook almost every day and stay in touch with my clients who put a lot of pressure on me all the weeks, and many times, in a very weird hours of the day, (once, someone called to my cell phone at 8 am!). But all this effort worth, because during the year, I could save all the money that I need to satisfy my necessities. About the second one, “Semanas Culturales”, the time that I have spended also worth because I knew a lot of people, but the most important thing is that everything works perfectly and the beneficiated people was very happy and touched with our work.

To finish with this, now I’m going to talk about my family and my friends, because my relationship with them was better that I spected. I was very scared because I had much activities and maybe it could be difficult to spend time with them… but it doesn’t! I think that my bond with my sisters and parents past to an other level, because I feel that now exist more confidence and we talk more than the last year. Sincerely, I don’t have bad things to talk about this theme, and either about my friends, because they were a support to me… they were almost all the time talking to me and we stay in touch almost every day, and that was great, because I was very scared too to lost my relation with them.

Well, that was a kind of “resume” of the first term of 2009. I hope you like it!

martes, 4 de agosto de 2009

A country I would like to visit

The country I would like to visit the most is Germany, especially because it’s a place with a lot of history and old constructions that has many to tell us about the country and its population.
The things I know about it are the most about history, especially of the World Wars, but I know that's not all about Germany, and festivities like October Fest are very attractive to travel there and share with germans. Other thing that it’s very attractive to want to visit this country is that it has been like the cot of a lot important philosophers, like Nietzsche, Hegel, Heiddeger and many others.
Continuing with these ideas is that I would like to visit important places that commemorate significant dates of history, like Martin Lutero’s Protestant Reformation or Adolf Hitler’s government. With that, it could be very exciting to visit museums with philosophy information, but I think that the most exciting idea related with that, it could be to talk with a german about all these things and have interesting conversations about the last themes I talk about.
Another important thing to me for visiting Germany is that I would like to go on October, because of October Fest and because people says that Germany it’s very beautiful in Winter.
I think it would be very difficult to study there, because I have to learn their language (which is very difficult). After that, I happily study there, because there’s a lot of humanistic things that people learn there and it’s a different school, comparing with Chile in my case.

domingo, 21 de junio de 2009

Assignment 8

The conference it will be refeirs about three themes:
1. The extraordinary evidence of human creativity present in all the people (that creativity it’s different in each person)
2. There is a place where we don’t have idea what it’s going to happen in the future. About this theme, Ken says that the education help us to constructed our future.
3. We all agree on the extraordinary capacities that children have, specially with innovation. All the kids have talent.

Considering these themes, we can say that in the education, the creativity it’s as important as literacy, for example. Both are important and must be considered in the same label.
In the conference, Ken refers to examples that he listened, which are relationated with kids that reflect his idea.
He refeirs about to be wrong, and says that if you have original ideas, the things that you do are not going to be wrong. Because being original and creative it helps people to know what to do in difficult situations. But the problem is that kids are very frightened to be wrong, so they lost their creativity skills and depends of adults. He criticizes that education it’s very systematized.
Also he refeirs that education it’s very interested on mathematics or that kind of subjects... buy what happen with dance, art or music? That subjects are not considered in all the world... but they are important too! He says that artistic proffesions are stigmatized.
The intelligence it’s diverse, dynamic and distinct.
He believes that our inly hope for the future is to adopt a new conception of human ecology, one in which we start to reconstitute our conception of the richness of human capacity. We have to rethink our point of view about our children education conforme to what we want for the hole world.

lunes, 15 de junio de 2009

Assignment 11

Today is our last session, so I’m talking about my experience of writing, specifically on this blog
My experience of writing here has been good, because I learnt to express my ideas in English on a good way. I also learnt about grammar, techniques, and all that stuffs.
Sometimes this experience was a little bit boring because the hour of the session, because we were very tired and also because many times, you are not inspired to write and all you want is to go home and forget about English. Another thing is that I think that we can make this job in home, because we invested a lot of time being in university. I feel that I wasted a lot of time doing this in university, but I agree with this technique for learning English. I repeat: it would be very good to do this job in house and have only one session of English class.
About what I have written, I enjoyed writing about “what makes me tick” because I felt that it was a more free topic, and also a enjoyed to writing about “my life in future”, because it was a moment to the imagination and also to think about my life and what expect about it. But I didn’t enjoy writing when I have to talk about “my career”, because I’m not very sure to what I think about it yet, so I couldn’t talk about that sincerely.
But apart from that, I think that this was a very good experience to get involved with English and practice it. I have improved my connectors, syntax, about “this, these, that, those” and mostly to express ideas in other language. I always expect that for these sessions, because I have heard about them in other sites and I always had a good impression about them.
Finally, one topic I would suggest is “family and friends”, because you have a good moment with them and it’s a topic that people can expand very good.

lunes, 8 de junio de 2009

Assignment 10: My ideal job

My ideal job would be a one which let me to have a bit of freedom… preferably without a strict schedule… maybe, working at home and outside too. I don’t like to work in an office. Also, is very important that if I work with other people and share our things and lifes.
I think that to being in a job with these descriptions, I will have to be very organized because of freedom. There’s nobody watching me all the time saying to me what to do or not. I think that make the difference. But I won’t like to work as a boss, because I don’t like to feel more powerfull than the others.
Also I have to be good working by groups and respecting the different opinions.
I think I will be good to this job because I’m very hiperactive and I like very much to dealing with people. I very good creating new ideas to contribute to make a nice job… and it’s better when that new ideas are made by more people than me!
I think is very difficult to found this kind of job because the most that are in offer, are relationated with offices. But jobs where you have to work by groups, are easier to found, and I dare say that the most of the jobs are working by groups.

lunes, 1 de junio de 2009

Assignment 10: What makes me tick

Today we have more freedom to write our posts, so I'm going to talk about what makes me tick.
I think it's difficult to answer this, because there exists a lot of things that moves me, like music, movies, art and different issues relationated with those that I said before.
But now, I'm going to talk about music, because I think I know more about that, than the others.
I like music since I was a child. When I was near 7 years old, I was very interested to play the guitar, so I took classes in my school and I learned very quickly... I was really in love with the instrument. During the classes, my mother decided to buy me one, so I could practise more... I learned very difficult songs, and also I started to discovered different music bands (especially, argentine rock, like Charly García).
Three years later, I left the guitar... I don't know why yet, but sometimes I'm very repentant for that, because in the case if I will still playing the guitar, I could be a very good guitarist.
But 3 years ago, y knew another instrument. It calls "cuatro venezolano", and I like it very much because it sounds different and it's a very good accompanying to different kinds of music. That was a way to started top lay the guitar again… and I’m trying to do it, but unfortunately I don’t have enough time.
Now I'm going to talk about my conection with music ban, something very important to me. And why? Because the music always help me to relax and think about things of my life. Also, it’s important because I like very much to discovered new bands. When it happens I investigated about them and I almost started to being obsessive with them.
Something that I can rescue it’s that many times, when I listen a particular song, I remember good -or bad too- moments of my life or of a movie (for example “Tiny Dancer” by Elton John, which is played in the movie “Almost Famous”).
I think music it’s very important to our lives because can inspired us and also it’s a very good companion when someone is alone. I’m very interesting in it because it’s a good way to connect people, for example in a concert: it’s a particular and very special event where people can meet and feel undescribe emotions.

martes, 26 de mayo de 2009

Blog Session 9: My favourite subject

I think that my favourite subject is Anthropology 1, by Daniel Quiroz.

I like it because we learnt about anthropological theory and the differents postures for it. There exists many reflections about the discipline and I like that because you can reflectionate about it too and make your own theories and ideas.

Also, the classes are very entertaining, mostly because the teacher is very apationated to teach us and resolved all our doubts, and also give us time to comment the class with our partners.

This semester we have learnt about techniques to investigate, how work the ahthropologists and finally, we have learnt theories, especially from Bronislaw Malinowsky and Clifford Geertz.

Something that it's very important too, is that with my classmates started to understand how to read an anthropological texts, because we were very accustomed in school to read only literature, and at the beggining of the year, we were very troubled with that. But now I can say that we don't have that problem!

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009

Assignment 7: My life in the future

Today I'm going to talk about my life in the next 5 years.

I think I will be finishing my career, acording to the plans, because maybe I will be backward. Maybe, I’ll be thinking about taking an international master… It could depends of the money I think, and also if there’s a scholarship.

Regarding with myself, independent of my professional life, I hope I travel a lot around the world and visit a lot of different places in different continents and countries… and I hope too, that these will be with my friends, because we had spend a lot of time together and we have live very important moments... so I want to continue with that.

I wont be married and I hope I don't have children... I'm not interested right now to have children in the next 5 years.

Also, I wish that I will have my own house -maybe with a friend or my couple- in a nice place, with all my stuff that are difficult to have now.

I’d like to be a great and interesting person, who has a entertaining life.

lunes, 4 de mayo de 2009

Assignment 6: "The best in your area"

Now I'm going to talk about the best in my field, based on my opinion.
I think is Pierre Clastres, a french anthropologist and ethnologist.

He has made a lot of ethnographic studies etnies in Southamerica, where we can distinguish the guayaquíes, the guaraníes and the yanomami.
He focuses on studying about the structure and politics of war activity and the expand logic relationated with social division and accumulation of power.

His mosrt popular publications are "Chronicle of the Guayaki Indians", "Society Against the State", "French Marxists and their Anthropology", "Archeology of Violence", and more.

I like him because he was interested on southamerican etnies, and I think that it's striking because he was french, and if he would like, he could study about freanch etnies, but he didn't.
I like him too, because their ethnographic essay are fun and you can get involved with them.

I think he is the best because he made their studies in a meticulous way, and that make serious the study.

lunes, 27 de abril de 2009

Assignment 5: My career

I don't have a specific reason to study anthropology. Last year when I had to decide what I want, I look for all humanist and social careers, because I like all that includes that disciplines.
I looked deeply the subjects, and anthropology conformed more with me.
So, I'm studying Anthropology because it's the career for me. Touch themes that I'm interested of, and it's a career where you learn a lot.

The professionals of my careers contribute to the society in many ways, but it depends of the specializacion that you choose.
Being a social anthropologist, contribuited to know more of different societies, but specialy, about their culture. That helps to understand their behaviors in front of different situations and with that, they can contribute to the best of our society, and also to themselves.
Being a physical anthropologist, contribuited in areas like criminalistic, and also in studies concernign to bioethics.
Being a archaeologist, helps to know about past cultures by their instruments.

The tools that you need, are very relationated to know about differents trends in the area. There are a lot, who gave a different intepretations to the work. We have to know about the scientific method, to watch other realities with consciencie and interact with people that we are investigating (or in the case of archaeologist, with the objects).

My favourite subject is philosophy, because is one that I love and I can't have it all the time in my career, because it's not very relationated with anthropology, like other subjects.
I like it very much because you issues yourself about different and abnormal themes that you don't think all the time.

martes, 21 de abril de 2009

Assignment 4: A photograph that I like ("Addis Ababa Umbrellas")

Unfortunately, I don't have the information for who has been taken this photo, but it's published in "The Enigma of Beauty", January 2000, National Geographic Magazine, but has been taken on 1999

In the photo, we can see ornate umbrellas in a dreary day in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The situation is that there are a lot of people outside a church.

I know this photo since I had 12 years old because I used to search photos in Internet, because there are a lot of good ones.
Well, I like very much this photo because it has a lot of colours, and the cloth are beautiful. Other thing that surprises me, is that yo can't see this in Chile: ornate umbrellas. On winter we almost see black umbrellas and nothing else, and that gaves to the days more sadness. If we had colored umbrellas, like kids, the winter days will be more happier.

lunes, 13 de abril de 2009

Assignment 3: Career-related website

Unfortunately I don't know a website with those features, but I know one that published a lot of articles and "e-books". It's "Memoria Chilena".

I found the site a day when I was visiting "dibam" (Dirección de Bibliotecas, Archivos y Museos) website, and there was a link. I got in and I considered a very interesting website, so I decided to send an e-mail and suscribe to the monthly messages, that report on the updates of the files of the website.
So I received many e-mails from "Memoria Chilena" about that, and also about cultural activities in different parts of Santiago.

I don't visit the website regularly... I visit it when I receive monthly e-mails, and if there is something interesting, I read it. If it isn't, don't.

I like it very much because it deals with many issues, like art, cinema, anthropology, history, etc. Also, because there you see below and can found another interesting websites which give you information about great activities in Museums or similar places.

Assignment 2: "My favourite piece of technologhy"

My favourite piece of techonology is the radio.

I got a radioset when I was about 7 years old. My parents gave it to me on Christmas and it has a microphone. I was very happy, because since it had a microphone, while I was listening to music, I was singing at the same time.
For that time, it was very modern, but if now I think about it, it isn't.

Now I don't have my own radio, but in my house there is one in the kitchen and it's always on. I listen to interesting news and music on radio "Horizonte", and sometimes on radio "Uno". It depends of the hour of the day.

I always listen to the radio in the morning, during breakfast. I like it because it is a moment where I listen good music and I relax before going to classes.

I like it very much because it is an old piece of technologhy and is still alive. It's a different way to get involved in the national and international current affairs, because you can imagine the events althought you aren't seeing them in a photograph or on the T.V.... and the most important thing is that you can listen to music at any time... it's like a permanent companion.

If the radio dissapeared, I think it would be awful, because in many jobs working people listen to the radio in order not to feel lonely, and without it, they would be feeling like that.
I think it would be bad too, because it would be more difficult to expand the music in the cultures, and that means that music would slowly die...

lunes, 30 de marzo de 2009


My name is Francisca Echeverría and I study Anthropology in U. Chile.
I'm 18 years old.
I would like to learn things that I never heard about before, things that I can talk to other people and teach them.
My expectations for this year are good. I think I will have to work hard buy I'll be happy.